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Monday, October 13, 2008

catching up in broad strokes

This week I wrap up my third session as a teaching credential student at Chapman. This was probably the easiest part of the program. Three months until the great student teaching juggle show begins. It's all uphill from here.

We started volunteering on a more committed basis at our church's junior high group at the end of last August. We're still really enjoying our time with the students. We feel like our main "ministries" there are (1) the ministry of attendance, (2) the ministry of sympathetic looks exchanged and post-meeting debriefings shared between the other leaders, (3) the ministry of purposeful silliness, and (4) the ministry of liking people.

Chana High School has its ups and downs, but Chrissy seems to be progressively blooming on this rocky hillside. The faculty at Chana has been much more welcoming than at Chrissy's previous teaching job, and Chrissy already feels much more a part of a team and a community, if I'm to summarize what she's been telling me over the past few weeks. It's still the Chana continuation school that I always heard about growing up in Auburn, but unencumbered by such prejudices, Chrissy has done well there and done a lot of good so far.

Being teachers, New Year's Day for us actually happens sometime around the end of August. So this past August we started our second year back in the states since returning from Prague in July 2007. God has blessed us here in Auburn
  • with more good friends than we were hoping for when we were packing our lives into four suitcases at the flat in Červený Vrch
  • with a comfortable place to live
  • with jobs that we mostly enjoy
  • with hope and hopeful directions to walk in
  • with a church community we're loving more all the time
  • with beauty from the ashes from my mom's unexpected death almost a year ago


Blogger Courtney said...

Glad to hear that things are going so well.

But, I'm a bit jealous that In-and-Out burger is limited to the west coast.

6:26 AM  

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